Welcome to The House of Vitality

This small and very friendly one-stop care center helps clients to feel vital and enhances well-being, energy and health.

Holistic—and personal care
Building on natural medical therapies that are centuries old, The House of Vitality combines western with classic eastern concepts and a multi-dimensional mind/body/spirit approach.

Well-being and health
Treatment may combine the 3000-year-old healing arts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with today’s science and modern techniques. This includes acupuncture and related modalities, from proven herbal remedies to nutrition, to improve energy and body functions.


Ilana Stein-Attali MSc. R.TCMP

Family health and women’s issues are areas of special interest. Women look here first for help with fertility, menopausal issues, and related health matters.

New technique:  Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, known for relieving acute and chronic pain conditions.


Serving Toronto and the GTA from Thornhill.